
3 ECE Hiring Mistakes You’re Probably Making

By Guest Blogger, Jennifer Carsen Finding and keeping good teachers - it's a classic source of frustration in ECE. And it's no surprise. Early childhood is a demanding field that doesn't pay nearly as much as it should. But have you ever considered that you may be the source of some of your hiring woes?

We (finally) have mobile devices (iPads, Tablets) in our program! Now what?

By Fran Simon, M.Ed. As a Co-Author (with Karen Nemeth) of  Digital Decisions: Choosing the Right Technology for Early Childhood Education, I'm often asked how to get started using iPads and other mobile devices in early childhood classrooms. I recently addressed one of those questions in an online community, and I thought the response might

Are You Ready To Lead?

By Guest Blogger, Jennifer Carsen Chief Chickie, Daycare in Demand It is no surprise that most ECE professionals are drawn to the work because of the children—the ability to positively influence young minds and lives during those first few crucial years. A strong affinity for working with children, however, doesn’t always (or even often) translate

Conducting Webinars to Engage: The Good, The Bad, and The UGLY! (Redux)

You've probably attended a webinar or two along the way in your career. If you've had good experiences, you may have thought: "I can do that!" You're right, you can! Webinars are great for business of all kinds, but there are some important things to consider before you jump in. Over the past 10 years

Mentoring: A Journey, Not a Destination

  Marietta loves her job.  She is an enthusiastic and dynamic Director for a very successful child care program. Her colleagues, the staff and the families in the center consider her to be an exceptional leader. Each year, she devotes hundreds of hours per year to providing mentorship and professional guidance to staff members and

It’s About the Experience, Not the Tool!

By Margaret A Powers and Fran Simon Could you choose a more exciting time to be working in the field of early childhood education (ECE)? These days, it doesn't look like it! There is so much important and exciting work occurring right now in ECE, particularly around the topic of technology use in the classroom.