Nellie Hodda is a dedicated advocate for early childhood education, bringing over 15 years of experience to her role. She holds a Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) from Macquarie University. As a RIE® Associate, Nellie integrates principles from Magda Gerber’s Educaring Approach® (RIE®) into her work, emphasizing nurturing and responsive care for infants and toddlers. Currently, Nellie serves as a Pedagogical Consultant at Storypark, where she supports organizations and early childhood professionals in effectively utilizing the platform. Additionally, she volunteers on the ITANA board and facilitates workshops and online network meetings for early childhood education and care professionals interested in respectful practices when working with infants and toddlers. Nellie is committed to sharing Magda Gerber’s work, empowering educators who work with the youngest children in education and care settings.