We celebrate a new era and a momentous occasion here at Early Childhood Investigations! 2025 brings exciting news for webinar lovers. After 15 years of funding our free webinar series through sponsorships from many generous companies and organizations, we finally found the new home we need to ensure a steady stream of nonstop FREE webinars. It’s time to meet the new producer.
Drum roll…. Introducing Playground Software as the producer of Early Childhood Investigations Webinars!
Playground is an innovative company that creates remarkable early care and education management system software that offers a fresh approach to the demands of managing everything your organization needs to operate! This change to a new production team means MORE of the same conference-quality content you need. And, of course, you can count on free certificates! Look at the overflowing schedule of upcoming webinars for proof of the great stuff to come.
Andrea and I will continue to support the webinars for the next few months. You will come to know and love the friendly faces of two of Playground’s founders, Daniel Andrews and Sasha Reiss. The Playground Foundrers have been deeply connected to our profession since they were babies! Read their story! They are committed to growing the content you need over the years.

Sasha and Daniel are eager to hear your thoughts and ideas about the webinars. Please send them your thoughts and ideas here.
Come along for the ride! Here’s to the future of great webinars and more exciting content.
Why does Early Childhood Investigations need a new producer?
From the beginning of my career, oh, so long ago, I’ve always wanted to have the most positive impact possible on the lives of young children and families. After spending years in other roles, I became a consultant in 2009. Since then, I decided I wanted to make it possible for everyone in the early care and education workforce to have the same access I have had to learn from the very most well-respected thought-leaders and experts in the world. I wanted it to be free because our profession is so undervalued and under-resourced, I wanted it to be readily available to everyone whenever they were available, and I wanted it to help my colleagues become more facile with technology.
It has taken a village to make it a reality. Move than 500 experts have contributed their time, energy, and expertise to make these webinars possible, and 60 generous sponsors have ensured we could continue to offer them at no cost. Our audiences are fortunate and grateful for those contributions.
Now that we have almost 200,000 subscribers, I think we’ve made a tiny dent in our mission to connect the profession with the best and brightest. And now I know that a bigger company can do more to grow the series with even more content. When I met Daniel and Sasha and learned more about Playground, I knew I found the right people to ensure the the webinar series could carry on and grow. These people are the future of Early Childhood Profession. I could not be more happy or more proud to help transition the webinars to this inspiring, energetic, and dedicated company.
I would love to hear from you. If you have comments, please share them or contact me directly on LinkedIn. Thank you for being part of the village.
Fran Simon, M.Ed.
Chief Engagement Officer
Engagement Strategies