

Whether you watch recordings or you attend live webinars, here's what you need to know about certificates! If you have attended our webinars in the past, you know we spend A LOT of time talking about how you can obtain certificates or watch recordings. We know, it becomes redundant for those of you who attend

Unlocking Your Team’s Natural Gifts to Inspire Collective Leadership in Early Education: More insights from the authors Cassandra O’Neill, M.A. and Monica Brinkerhoff, M.S.W.

 Ouor presenters, Cassandra O’Neill, M.A. and Monica Brinkerhoff, M.S.W. sent us some additional resources from thier powerful webinar, Collective Leadership in ECE Organizations. The Guiding Principles  and Wellness Survey.  Both contain language from the following resource: Eight Dimensions of Wellness, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2017). If you would like to learn more about

Advice and Resources That Take The Fear out of Big Body Play

Frances Carlson, professor and author of Big Body Play: Why Boisterous, Vigorous, and Very Physical Play Is Essential to Children's Development and Learning, joined us for a paradigm-shifting webinar on February 7, 2018. More than 5,000 people registered, so we know early educators are eager to learn more about making vigorous play part of their

Welcome to our new REWARDS Certificates!

Welcome to our new REWARDS Certificates! Rewards for attending live webinars? Yes! Starting this week when you attend the live webinar from beginning to end, you will receive a personalized certificate by email within two weeks after the webinar. We will continue to offer standard certificates during the webinars in the handouts pane AND to

New Videos: Tips for Webinar Newbies Series– Registering and Preparing to Attend

Watch this 15 minute video to learn about registering and preparing to attend webinars! Hey there, webinar lover! We're kicking off a new series of videos to provide you with on demand support for commonly asked questions about Early Childhood Investigations Webinars. We get email every day with questions about Early Childhood Investigations Webinars and

Follow-up from Social-Emotional Learning from the Top Down: Administrative Practices that Support Children’s Emotional Development, Kay Montgomery Albrecht

We were fortunate to have Kay Montgomery Albrecht present a webinar  about, Social-Emotional Learning from the Top Down on August 2, 2017. Some of the participants had questions that we were unable to ask the presenter.  She was kind enough to answer them and they are posted below.  Here is a link to the recording:  Social-Emotional Learning

Does This Child’s Behavior Warrant Hiring a Consultant?

Does This Child’s Behavior Warrant Hiring a Consultant? by Barb O’Neill, Ed.D Trainer, Coach, and Founder of Transform Challenging Behavior Let’s consider Brandon. He’s four. He has his good days and his bad days, but the bad days are really bad. At center time he often rushes into the block area, smashing the other children’s